Answers To Your Questions about Healthy Holistic Living.
If you didn’t find your answer here, you may find it in THIS ARTICLE

Q: How long will it take to see results in my weight loss once I begin my holistic lifestyle transformation?
A: 5 – 7 days providing you adhere to the suggested food and fluids intake, amounts and schedule when to eat to provide energy for your body. You also need to adhere to an exercise program 30- 60 minutes 5-6 times per week. Before starting an exercise routine, please check with your doctor.
Q: While transforming to my new Holistic Living Pathway, can I have a sweet dessert?
A: No food is off limit, however, sugar and process foods will have an effect on your ability to burn fat. Having an occasional sweet dessert is permissible. Your health and wellness journey is not a fad diet like something you go on and off of, it is about making lasting sustainable interventions to a make a permanent lifestyle change.
Q: Can I have wine or an occasional cocktail as a part of my Holistic Healthy Life?
A: Yes, you can have a cocktail occasionally, remember liquid calories are high in sugar, and if consumed in moderate to high amounts will get stored in your body as fat. Our premium holistic health coaching package is Flame
Q: During my Holistic Transformational process, how often and for how long do I have to exercise?
A: 30-60 minutes of low intensity exercise if you are currently starting an exercise program. 60 minutes of moderate to high intensity impact if you have been exercising routinely for more than 1-3 months. Before starting an exercise routine , please check with your physician. This is our beginner holistic health coaching package Spark The Change